New Club – Twickenham Thunderbolts
Last month a brand new club launched in Twickenham at Springfield Primary School and they have seen some great success already. We caught up with local Primary School Teacher and Head Coach of the new Club Danny Cain to find out more.
“We’ve got 20+ attending each week now but we want to grow further as we have had some interest from ages below and above. Looking at potentially doing ages 4-7 and 11-13” With such great numbers in a short space of time we asked what the best marketing platform has been. “We are on Instagram, Facebook and added our flyer to School Newsletters. British Dodgeball have really helped with flyer design and networking as well.”

Danny spoke to our Regional Development Officer at two Surrey Primary School Championship events this season and from there the spark to start a new junior dodgeball club began. In less than a month the club is achieving brilliant attendance figures that an expansion of time and ages is needed. If you would like to grow sport in your area please get in touch with us, we would love to support you turn an after school club into a community club and beyond! Hello@BritishDodgeball.com
If you would like to find out more about the Thunderbolts get in touch via email or social media TwickenhamThunderbolts@gmail.com