We Are Recruiting – Referee Mentors

British Dodgeball is currently recruiting for a referee mentor in each of the following regions:

  • Northern Ireland
  • Scotland
  • England – North West
  • England – North East
  • England – West Midlands
  • England – East Midlands
  • England – South West
  • England – South East

Referee mentors are key components of our comprehensive Referee Development Pathway. Referee mentors are experienced individuals with strong communication skills and the drive to develop the sport of dodgeball within the UK. They teach others to be accountable to the Refereeing Standards and to develop their ability to make effective decisions quickly, applying rules knowledge and interpersonal skills to real-life situations more effectively.

What do referee mentors do?

There will be one referee mentor allocated to each region of the UK, and each will act as a focal point for that region.

  • They will conduct training for new referees on a paid basis as described in the New Referee Training document, as well as regularly attending British Dodgeball competitions to observe, support and develop existing referees to help everyone work towards outstanding Referee Standards.
  • They will also act in a voluntary capacity to support referees in their region by being on hand to clarify rules, offer advice and act as a link to British Dodgeball. This can be done either via conversation during events or via messages/emails.

The full job description can be found here:

To apply for this role, please complete the Work with Us form.

Closing date for applications: 5pm, Friday 6th January 2023.

All enquiries should be directed to our Referee Manager Aden Woodall, aden@britishdodgeball.com.

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