Monthly Members Blog – September 2020

Welcome to the September edition of my monthly blog that highlights how we are still working on our key aims at British Dodgeball. With new restrictions imposed by the government greatly impacting dodgeball we face another extremely challenging time that means we must adapt if we are able to continue the development of the sport both now and beyond the pandemic.

Our four key aims remain the same during this current period, only our focus gets more concentrated due to the limitations. We will invest our skills and resources to ensure our aims are still of primary importance as we create new opportunities in the sport. There are also way in which you as members can get involved and support the future of dodgeball.

Aim 1: To deliver opportunities that enable a strong pathway from beginner to elite and create a platform for all players to enjoy the game.

What we will be doing:

We are coaching in schools on a weekly basis as well as applying for both local and national funding pots that will help us provide new sessions in new communities that enable children to play dodgeball for the first time. We are currently continuing our planned junior competitions calendar with increased measures to ensure the safety of players is the priority. We are supporting the adult game to do all they can during this time with return to play guidance.

What you can do:

If your club doesn’t already have a junior session then now could be a great time to set one up and give children in your local area the chance to step onto the dodgeball pathway for the first time. We will support any adult player that wishes to set up a new junior session during this period when their opportunities are limited by providing equipment, resources, guidance and training, get in touch via to find out more.

Aim 2: To provide training to coaches, teachers and leaders to increase participation in dodgeball.

What we will be doing:

Our training and education is not impacted as yet by the latest restrictions so all our coach and leader qualifications will be going ahead as planned. We have put together new guidance to ensure all our training courses follow government regulations on social distancing and follow our approved return to play. We’re working on new resources to help teachers to be more confident delivering dodgeball within their class bubbles.

What you can do:

By signposting schools and teachers you know to the British Dodgeball website and to your clubs you can help develop those long term school to club links that are so beneficial for your club. Following our guidance you can support your local schools to play more dodgeball. You could even sign up to a coaching course yourself if you have some free time and get qualified to begin your journey in coaching dodgeball.

Aim 3: To inspire people to enjoy dodgeball through positive role models and major events.

What we will be doing:

Our planned major events are on hold right now but that doesn’t mean the opportunity to inspire new people to enjoy dodgeball is. Our new social media manager Alex will be shining the light on some great role models in the sport and showcasing their stories. We want to be able to promote the diverse range of dodgeballers from across the U.K. and let others know how much enjoyment there is in the sport.

What you can do:

If you have a story to share or know someone who you think is a great role model in dodgeball get in touch with Alex via

Aim 4: To build and strengthen community dodgeball clubs to grow and sustain the sport.

What we will be doing:

As always, we will be supporting new and existing community clubs to increase their sustainability via our club development guides, resources, accreditation and funding support. Our objective is always to work with passionate individuals in all areas of the U.K. that want to develop the sport with us. The growth and longevity of dodgeball will take place through the development of bigger and stronger clubs that cater for all.

What you can do:

Even though there won’t be as much activity taking place and recruiting new players might be difficult there are still opportunities out there to develop your club. Get in touch with our club development lead Aden via or myself via and let us use our experience to support you to find funding opportunities in your local area. This could be for something new or to support an already existing session through these difficult times.

I wish you all well and hope you are able to continue enjoying the game under the current restrictions.

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