
We are continually working on new resources that will help you as players, coaches, leaders or teachers to deliver the sport of dodgeball. We want to encourage more people of all ages and abilities to play the sport of dodgeball with maximum enjoyment.

Dodge Five Activity Cards

Our British Dodgeball Schemes of Work contains a total of 54 lessons which primary and secondary schools can use to support the teaching of outstanding PE lessons alongside delivering high quality physical activity provision through breakfast, lunch and afterschool clubs.

We are delighted to share these plans to schools for free, with the aim of helping to improve the understanding and teaching of the sport of dodgeball in addition to enhancing the quality of PE provision in the UK.

Click links to the right to access overviews of each Scheme of Work, and download the lesson plan zip files for free through our shop below.

Secondary Lesson Plans
Education Packs

Our British Dodgeball Education Packs support cross-curricular teaching for a range of age groups using dodgeball as a vehicle to enhance pupil engagement and accelerate learning. There are three packs: Maths, English and Foundation subjects.

Check out our Youtube page for more helpful and entertaining content!

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Logos are available in full colour, white and some in black. Please make sure logos are clearly readable in terms of size and colour. You may only use the relevant competition logo for items specific to that  British Dodgeball event e.g. the Super League logo with a picture of a Super League team.

British Dodgeball Logo


British Dodgeball