Introducing our Head of Referees – Sam Richards

We are pleased to announce that Sam Richards has joined our team at British Dodgeball as our new Head of Referees! Earlier this week we sat down with Sam to get his insight into refereeing and his new role as HoR:


How long have you played dodgeball?

Coming up to 5 years


Who do you play for?

Leamington Spartans


What got you into refereeing?

To begin with it was the need of a little bit of extra income as a student/recent graduate. The accessibility of events around the midlands has meant I still referee on a consistent basis. 


How long have you been a referee?

I started refereeing the same time I began with Spartans. So, ignoring the Covid break, about a season and a half. 


What is the hardest part about being a referee?

Keeping up with a game which is constantly evolving and increasing in pace. Referees can only perceive so many things at one time. 


How do you feel about starting your role as HoR?

Without a doubt it is going to be overwhelming to begin with; but the great team of referees we have will 100% make things easier. 


What is a main objective or plan you have as HoR?

Immediately it would be to implement a much more transparent and accessible process for ‘complaints’ and ‘questions’. Allowing teams/individuals to raise objective points regarding referee behaviour. Showing that we are working with both sides to advance the sport. 


Do you have any advice for those wanting to get into refereeing but are nervous for whatever reason?

There are a lot of different events out there, and it doesn’t have to be straight into high paced Super League games. Dip a toe in with Regionals and Opens etc. and build up from there. We’ve had a lot of new referees this season who are doing very well across a lot of different levels.


Play forever or referee forever? 😉 

Play forever 


With Sam’s help, dodgeball referees will grow quicker & more efficiently, with a supported & developmental network; events will be officiated professionally with a committee in place to work with referees and the rules committee. We look forward to working with Sam to develop the referee community and dodgeball as a whole within the UK.

Welcome to the team, Sam.

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