British Dodgeball Membership
British Dodgeball membership for all adult players aged 18 and over will be compulsory for all players from the 15th September 2021 in order to compete in any British Dodgeball adult league, open competition or other event held during the 21-22 season. This includes all university opens and events organised by British Dodgeball. British Dodgeball adult membership is £15 per year and can be paid via your club or individually on the British Dodgeball website. Registering for membership as an individual via the British Dodgeball website provides you with the added benefit of a personal player profile.
Why are we introducing compulsory membership?
There are four main reasons behind our decision to introduce compulsory membership:
1. The demand for dodgeball is fantastic with more people from all walks of life wishing to play the game, from schools to colleges and universities as well as people in the community. People of all ages and ability levels are interested in dodgeball and we want to be able to do everything we can to ensure the opportunities are there for them. To do that, we quite simply need to be able to recruit new staff; introducing something that will provide an almost guaranteed income each year will enable us to do that.
2. We want our members to have an improved and clear direct line of communication with the organisation via our player representatives on the Board of Directors, a specific email address for member queries and a yearly members survey. Shun Wong and Emma Milser are already fulfilling the roles of player representatives on our Board and we’re looking to add to this in the near future.
3. Throughout the first 3-4 years, British Dodgeball has put the right financial measures in place which have enabled us to cope with the challenges faced by the Coronavirus Pandemic. We have ensured all members of staff, the players, clubs and the sport can pick up where we left off in the UK and build on this further. There is no hiding that coping with the financial challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic has been difficult and we have relied upon external support also. Introducing a compulsory player membership will ensure the sustainability of the organisation is increased alongside that of the sport.
4. We are already recognised as the National Governing Body of dodgeball in the UK by the European and World Dodgeball Federations. To become officially recognised as the National Governing of Dodgeball by the Sports Councils of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales requires the organisation to have 1,650 registered members. The current number of British Dodgeball members is just shy of 100. Becoming the officially recognised governing body won’t change our direction or vision as an organisation but it may very well change the speed in which the sport and our clubs are able to grow. For example, in Northern Ireland, affiliated dodgeball clubs are unable to apply for funding from Sport Northern Ireland to grow and sustain their clubs without being members of a Sport Northern Ireland recognised NGB.
Where will the money go?
At the start of the 2019/20 dodgeball season, we introduced a player registration process for all those competing at our events, during that season we had 1,617 adult players registered. If this figure is the same for the 2021/22 dodgeball season we will look at an additional income for the organisation of approximately £24,255. Our intention, as it always has been as a non-profit, is to use any income we make to grow the game. We will use this additional income firstly to increase the sustainability of British Dodgeball by building reserves that protect the long term future of the sport, and secondly we will use additional income from adult membership to recruit a new development officer to grow the game, specifically within our Areas of Focus.
What are the benefits to becoming a member?
As well as supporting the continued growth of the sport as detailed above, British Dodgeball membership provides you with access to our AGM, clear lines of communication to the organisation, the ability to vote on key decisions that impact the direction of the organisation and future of the sport, discounts from our partners, event ticket discounts and an exclusive welcome pack.
Do new players competing have to become members?
All new players that have not competed in British Dodgeball events prior to the 2021/22 season will be able to compete in their first event without purchasing adult membership. They will need to register via the free player registration function on the website, and then sign up for membership before they are eligible to compete in any further events.. Players who sign up for membership before their first event will not need to complete player registration.
What is the cost like compared to other sports?
As highlighted in our 2019/20 End of Season Report other comparable NGB’s such as England Volleyball (£25), UK Ultimate (£31) and British American Football (£50) charge considerably more for compulsory adult membership.
What date does compulsory membership start?
All events after the 15th September 2021 require compulsory membership. Adult membership is not required to compete in the Summer Return to Play Events.
Are there any concessions or student discounts?
As our yearly membership is only £15, we will not be putting in place any further discounts.
If I am only playing in BUCS leagues for my university do I need to purchase the British Dodgeball adult membership?
You do not need to purchase British Dodgeball adult membership if you are only playing in BUCS leagues.
Do junior players need to get membership?
Membership is only available for those aged 18+. Junior players do not require membership but parents/guardians must complete free player registration before attending a British Dodgeball event. Junior players competing in adult events do not require membership if they are under 18.
Do club officials need to get membership?
Club officials such as coaches that do not play dodgeball are not required to purchase membership. Although membership is open to them, they will receive all the benefits of a playing member.
How to sign up for membership?
Individual players can register via the following link: https://www.britishdodgeball.org/product/british-dodgeball-membership/
Club managers can complete bulk registration for their club members via the following form: https://forms.gle/pnXM6hjegg3grSaR6Adults competing in their first event or juniors under the age of 18 must complete player registration: https://www.britishdodgeball.org/playing-registration/
Further Questions
If you have any further questions about the British Dodgeball membership please contact membership@britishdodgeball.org