IMPORTANT Covid-19 Officer Update
In order to return to playing dodgeball, all clubs or organisations must have a Covid
Officer in place. The Covid Officer is the person who will lead the Covid-19 response in
the Return to Play and be the single point of contact for people (internal and external)
to refer to. The Covid-19 response is not solely the Covid Officer’s responsibility, as the
responsibility should be shared amongst the committee and members.
These guidelines have been put in place to help assist you in carrying out the
• Review the relevant Government and British Dodgeball guidelines on Return to Play.
• Make sure all participants, coaches and volunteers are aware of how to get in
contact with you.
• Develop a plan to capture attendance information – names, locations, dates
and contact details. Plan to store this securely and make sure the attendance
data is destroyed after 21 days. The collection, storage and destruction of
personal data needs to be done in line with Data Protection legislation.
Communication and Messaging
• Make it clear that all participants have a responsibility for reducing the risks of
Covid-19 and they are opting in to participate in dodgeball activity.
• Ensure participants, volunteers and parents know who to contact if they
experience Covid-19 symptoms.
• Remind participants, coaches, match officials and volunteers about when they
should stay at home if they become sick with Covid-19 symptoms, test positive
for Covid-19, or have been exposed to someone with symptoms, or a confirmed
or expected case, and when they can return to dodgeball.
• Ensure that participants know that they need to complete the self-assessment
check list before attending dodgeball activity.
• Ensure that before any training or match, there is a short briefing to remind
participants of their responsibilities aligned to the British Dodgeball guidance.
• Encourage participants to talk with people they trust about their concerns and
how they are feeling.
Preparations for if someone gets sick
• Make sure participants know that they should not attend dodgeball activity and
that they should notify you, as the Covid Officer, if they become sick with Covid19 symptoms, test positive for Covid-19 or have been exposed to a suspected
or confirmed case.
• Participants should contact you as soon as they suspect that they have Covid-19
• Ask participants to contact NHS Track and Trace if they haven’t already.
• Contact other participants to let them know that there is a suspected case of
Covid-19 and to monitor their own health. NHS may get in contact with them if
they have been in direct contact and need to self-isolate.
• Advise the Facility Operator, if they may have staff that was present, of the
suspected case of Covid-19.
• If a match has been played against another club, contact the Covid Officer from
the opposition club, and any match officials, to inform them of a suspected
case. NHS may get in contact with them if they have been in direct contact and
need to self-isolate.
• Follow up with the participant(s) after the self-isolation period has been
completed and check that they are ready to return to dodgeball activities.
Important notes
If you show symptoms of Covid-19 you should phone NHS Track and Trace. If you
become too ill to continue in the role of Covid Officer, you should consider a handover
with another committee member who can assume responsibilities in a smooth
If you haven’t already, be sure to get your Club Membership and British Dodgeball Membership now, to receive exclusive discounts and offers!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email hello@britishdodgeball.com. Thank you and stay safe.