Movember Dodgeball
In aid of Movember and running throughout the whole month of November we are welcoming teams to take part in our 3 v 3 Dodgeball Competition.
As the strictest current restrictions that enable play limit adult dodgeball to 3 v 3 matches in bubbles of 6 we wanted to provide a format that teams can get involved in wherever they are in the UK and whatever restrictions they are currently under.
We welcome entries from adult clubs, universities, schools or any other group. You can enter as many teams and submit as many results as you like throughout November.
Doing our bit for Movember
Movember exist to help men live happier, healthier and longer lives by raising funds and awareness to tackle mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.
Men’s health is in crises. Men are dying on average 6 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons. Unchecked, prostate cancer rates will double over the next 15 years. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men aged 15-39 years of age. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 75% of all suicides.
British Dodgeball will be converting the winning score in our 3 v 3 competition into pounds and donating this to Movember, we are asking you to join in too by donating via our Movember Fundraising Page.
How it works
To take part you will need to enter 2 evenly matched teams of 3 players via the entry form below, one team representing Team Mo and the other representing Team Bro.
Matches are played to normal dodgeball rules. Play 8 min halves for adults and 6 min halves for juniors.
All matches are to be played between the 1st and 30th November and entries can be taken at any time between now and the end of October.
Once your match is complete submit your score using the results form below. The winning team will receive 2 points to their overall score (1 point each if its a draw).
An ongoing score will be published on the website and on social media.