Return to Play

Our Return to Play page for dodgeball details the specific return to play guidance for each of the 4 home nations. Please ensure you follow the specific guidance for your nation and contact your facility provider in order to begin playing dodgeball again.

If you have any questions regarding the Return to Play guidance in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales please contact us via

We hope you are able to enjoy returning to dodgeball safely and we look forward to seeing you on court soon. This page will be updated upon any new changes to the guidance in each nation.

From Monday 19th July almost all Covid 19 restrictions have been lifted which affects all dodgeball clubs, venues and events in England. This includes the number of people allowed to mix inside venues.

While this is great news for dodgeball, cases of Covid 19 remain high and we must continue to take all necessary steps to manage and reduce the risk of transmission.

British Dodgeball is encouraging all players, coaches and clubs to consider the health and safety of themselves and others and continue to recommend the following:

  • Practice good hygiene at all times, including regularly washing hands before a match, at half time and at the end of a match.
  • Ensure increased ventilation when playing dodgeball indoors by opening windows and doors where appropriate.
  • Wear face coverings when in close proximity to those you do not usually mix with and when social distancing is not possible. Do not wear a face covering whilst participating in any sport or physical activity.
  • Please appreciate and be respectful that some clubs, coaches and players will be taking a more cautious approach.

In order to play dodgeball from the 19th July 2021 it is no longer a requirement to follow the British Dodgeball Return to Play guidance in England. Facility operators may still have their own requirements in place and these must be respected.

We look forward to seeing you on court!

The majority of restrictions previously in place around Covid-19 have been relaxed. Indoor dodgeball can resume. Our advice is that all clubs and events taking place follow guidance on social distancing, hygiene, face coverings, track and trace and risk assessments.

Summarised guidance from Sport Northern Ireland can be found here.

Please contact your facility provider to confirm maximum numbers for the venue.

It is recommended that all dodgeball clubs must have a Covid Officer. Please view the following Covid Officer Guidance Document for further information.

Club Resources

Club Covid-19 Risk Assessment Template

Return to Play Club Checklist

Club Test & Trace Template

From 19th July 2021 all of Scotland has moved to Alert Level 0.

You can take part in any sport or exercise activity.

Information on previously approved guidance for return to play can be found below.

All dodgeball clubs must have a Covid Officer. Please view the following Covid Officer Guidance Document for further information.

We also recommend that all club Covid-19 officers in Scotland complete the following training.

Return to Play Guidance – Scotland

5 Level System of Protections – impact on sport and exercise summary

  • Level 0: All sporting activity permitted
  • Level 1: No adult (18+) indoor contact sport (except professional sport).
  • Level 2: Same as level 1.
  • Level 3: No adult (18+) indoor non-contact group sport / exercise or adult (18+) indoor contact sport. No outdoor adult (18+) contact sport (except professional sport).
  • Level 4: Indoor sports facilities closed. No outdoor contact sport allowed for any age (except professional sport).

Once approved these measures will be implemented from Monday 2nd November, with the starting level in each area announced in advance. Phase 3 Return to Sport & Physical Activity Guidance 26/11/2020.

Local Restrictions – Scotland

Club Resources

Club Covid-19 Risk Assessment Template

Return to Play Club Checklist

Club Test & Trace Template

The Welsh Government has confirmed that all of Wales is now at alert level 2.

Organised Activities

Up to 50 people of any age are able to gather from a mix of households outdoors and up to 30 people from a mix of households can gather indoors to take part in organised activities. There are no limits to the number of children under the age of 11 that can take part.

An organised activity must be organised by a dodgeball club, by a qualified coach and is following our Return to Play Guidance.

View the Sport Wales website for further information.

All dodgeball clubs must have a Covid Officer. Please view the following Covid Officer Guidance Document for further information.

Return to Play Guidance – Wales

Club Resources

Club Covid-19 Risk Assessment Template

Return to Play Club Checklist

Club Test & Trace Template

British Dodgeball