We are proud to be an official partner to the Youth Sports Trust‘s School Games programme. Working alongside the Youth Sport Trust and their network of School Games Organisers (SGOs), we have developed our School Games offer in order to benefit inclusivity and increase participation.
The aim of School Games dodgeball offer is to ensure all children taking part are given an equal opportunity to play, to represent their school as part of a team, to enjoy the experience and learn.
School Games Dodgeball Festival
You can run a School Games Dodgeball Festival using the resources below, in addition to the comprehensive resources on the School Games Dodgeball page. This festival does not have any winners or losers. There will however be some awards presented in line with the School Games Values.
British Dodgeball staff are available to support School Games Organisers and Active Partnerships to deliver the School Games events and provide leadership training for students and volunteers. To find out more please get in touch with James via james@britishdodgeball.com.
School Games Organisers & School Sports Partnerships
School Games Organisers and School Sport Partnerships are valued partners due to their key positioning in the sector and the fact that they engage many schools across their areas in a variety of dodgeball-based activity. If you’re an SGO or SSP, see more information below about how we can support your work.
Completing any of our introductory workshops or coaching certificates provides staff members with sport-specific knowledge needed to deliver a competition or PE lessons/extracurricular sessions. Students often benefit from completing a Leaders Award which follow a Learn, Lead, Reflect model in order to be able to effectively officiate at cluster dodgeball competitions.
Free School Championships Entry
If an SGO or SSP books a British Dodgeball Leaders Workshop directly, or promotes this workshop which is booked by a school in your cluster, we will provide your cluster/SSP with one free team space at your local British Dodgeball county competition for a Primary school or Secondary school team. This space can be redeemed during the current year or the year after, and must be reserved when booking the leaders workshop. This offer is limited to one team per cluster/SSP.
Competition Resources
The following resources will help with fast & efficient organisation of a dodgeball competition and distribution of the official ruleset.