The Dodgeball Survey 2023 is open!

We are inviting players, coaches, teachers, parents, volunteers and just about anybody else you can think of to fill out the Dodgeball Survey 2023! We want to hear from member clubs as well as clubs who are not yet registered with us, schools, colleges, universities, casual sessions run at youth clubs and by private businesses. This will help us to better understand your views and how we can drive dodgeball forwards at all levels. If anyone under the age of 16 wishes to fill out the survey, they may only do so with the permission of their parent/guardian. The survey contains summaries of focus areas, projects and initiatives which may help you find out more about the work we are doing which may benefit you as a player or your organisation.

Survey closes: Friday 10th February 2023

You can compete the survey here:

Please share the survey link with others so we can get as much feedback as possible this year:

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