Girls Dodge Too! Ambassadors

We are looking for expressions of interest for the position of Girls Dodge Too! Ambassadors. 

Girls Dodge Too! is an exciting new Sport England funded project that aims to encourage more women and girls to take part in dodgeball and provide them with fun experiences of the game. The project will begin as soon as it is sessions are able to return.

As a Girls Dodge Too! Ambassador you will support British Dodgeball to deliver a range of taster sessions, festivals, and events throughout the year. The project will have one ambassador for each of the 8 target areas, which are:
• Bedfordshire
• Berkshire
• Birmingham
• Cheshire
• Derbyshire
• Greater Manchester
• Leicestershire
• London

Ambassadors will be featured on British Dodgeball social media throughout the project, and will receive Girls Dodge Too! equipment and clothing. 

For more information please view our Girls Dodge Too! Ambassador Information Booklet.

Should you have any questions or queries, please contact Alice at 

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