New Club: Brighton Dodgeball Club
In its third year of operation, Brighton Dodgeball Club has just joined the British Dodgeball community as a registered club. We find out more about the club ran by Geoff Britten, and his motivations for setting up the club…
Name: Brighton Dodgeball Club – ‘The Magpies’
Contact: Facebook page / 07906760095
Junior Session Details: 9-10am, Saturdays @ Impulse Leisure Centre, Southwick
Adult Session Details: 7-8pm, Wednesdays @ Impulse Leisure Centre, Southwick
Tell us your story! Why did you start a dodgeball club? I wanted my son to get off his computer and get out and do something sporty. He’d tried many sports (football, swimming, badminton, etc.) but after a while he lost interested and quit. I kept asking him, ‘what do you want to try Jack?’, and he kept saying, ‘Dodgeball!’. He played it every morning at breakfast club. He loved it.
Surprisingly, there are no kids clubs in East or West Sussex, so using my experience of being a football coach for 3 years, and being on the committee with Hangleton Rangers FC, I put together my own drop-in dodgeball club. The core of the players are still with us from day one. At one stage, we did suffer with low numbers, but luckily, with the help of our Facebook page sometimes we have too many kids come now! Also – so that I practice what I preach – this summer I set up adults dodgeball, so I could play myself and learn the game myself. Its great fun!
What are your goals for the club? I would like to create a couple of teams so that we can hopefully enter competitions and have friendlies with other clubs. The kids need this to keep them excited about the sport. I would like to enter a competition this year – I just need to get kit sorted.
Please join us in wishing Brighton Dodgeball Club the best of luck for the future! If you are considering setting up your own club, please have a look at our club support page for details on how we can help.