University Dodgeball: State of Play, Nov 23

We are pleased to share our most recent on university dodgeball. Created using data taken from our Higher Education Dodgeball Activators (HEDA’s), we have summarised how recruitment has gone in the new academic year, observed successful recruitment strategies, defined the impact of the HEDA scheme and explained how British Dodgeball will provide universities with further support.

Aden Woodall, Development Manager leading on the HEDA Scheme, said,

“We are extremely proud of the first year of the HEDA Scheme. This programme has allowed us to empower some brilliant and passionate individuals to form a strong network with other like-minded leaders as well as receive relevant & applicable training to deliver improved sessions and grow their club. We look forward to continuing to work with the HEDA’s as they develop dodgeball at their universities to build back up to (& overtake) pre-pandemic levels of participation.”

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